Title: Barron's AP Art History with Online Tests Pdf
Author: John B. Nici
Published Date: 2018-09-01
Page: 648
Table of Contents: Barron's Essential 5 PART ONE: GETTING TO KNOW THE AP EXAM IN ART HISTORY IntroductionAnswering the Multiple-Choice Questions Answering the Free-Response Questions PART TWO: DIAGNOSTIC TEST Diagnostic Test Answer Key PART THREE: CONTENT REVIEW Prehistoric Art Ancient Near Eastern Art Egyptian Art Greek Art Etruscan ArtRoman ArtLate Antique Art Byzantine Art Islamic Art Early Medieval Art Romanesque Art Gothic Art Gothic Art in Italy Renaissance in Northern Europe Early Renaissance in Italy: Fifteenth Century High Renaissance and Mannerism Baroque Art Art of New Spain: Spanish Colonies in the Americas Rococo and Neoclassicism Romanticism Late Nineteenth-Century Art Early and Mid-Twentieth-Century Art Indian and Southeast Asian Art Chinese and Korean Art Japanese Art Art of the Americas African Art Pacific Art Contemporary Art PART FOUR: PRACTICE TESTS Practice Test 1 Practice Test 2 Glossary Photo Credits Index John B. Nici has a master’s degree in art history and is retired from teaching at Lawrence High School in Cedarhurst, New York. He is currently a professor of art history at Queens College in Flushing, New York. In 2004 he was the recipient of Queens College’s President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching by Adjunct Faculty. He has published extensively on art history pedagogy and has presented and published scholarly papers on topics that include Byzantine art, Gothic art, and Delacroix. He is the author of Famous Works of Art—and How They Got that Way.
This edition includes:
- One diagnostic test and two full-length practice exams in the book with all questions answered and explained
- Two full-length online practice tests with answers and explanations
- Art history review describing major artists and art movements
- Online flash cards to help students review required works of art
- Additional chapters on art outside of the European tradition
- Multiple-choice questions and practice essays after every chapter
b&w depictions detract from an otherwise very good guide Being a guide to the AP Art History test, this is a very good overview of the subject, complete with a diagnostic test as well as two practice tests, but the photos of art objects are all black and white, really detracting from thoughtful discussion of the work.Topics include prehistoric, ancient Mediterranean, European, Islamic, Asian, indigenous and colonial American, African and Pacific art.There is a good glossary.Gracias BienGreat product! This is a great resource for the teacher and students highly recommend this product
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